Charity advert analysis "MOST SHOCKING SECOND A DAY"

Campaign name- 

Save the children

Audience appeal- 

Guilty and empathetic, as its showing a representation of what's happening right now in other countries, and showing what it would be like if it was happening here. This would make people feel guilty as they realise how they are taking life for granted and how this could happen to us at any point, and would make them feel guilty as they know they are able to help kids in Syria by donating. Empathy would be shown as the advert is showing a second everyday of a young girls life in Britain living in a middle class family and her experiences going into war. Thus showing how this could happen to everyone and people in Britain can actually place themselves in her shoes.

Mode of address- 

Syrian children

Direct address to the audience at the end when the girl looks at the camera. Breaking the fifth wall, and making the audience watching feel great empathy toward the girl. This direct address also symbolises how the girl is asking for your help, again trying to get that feeling of guilt out of us.


War/ battlefield, what war would look like right now in Britain, especially urban Britain. 


Close up camera angle, to show emotion. Gets a reaction out of the audience.

Camera angle is always one the young girl, as children are at the front of the cause. This would also target families the most, as families watching would watch the advert and see their children in that position and feel guilty as their children are living in comfort while others are living in mayhem. This is also powerful as children are meant to be innocent and happy but this is juxtaposed in this advert.

Warm lighting at the start during good parts to resemble warmth and happiness, then turns into cold lighting to show sadness. Juxtaposing the start. 


No music, no voice over, feels more realistic. A lot of atmospheric sounds, again trying to reinforce that sense of realism.


Slogan at the end, "Just because it isn't happening here doesn't mean it isn't happening" 

At the start the talking is a lot more joyful, until after the 1 minute mark when things start to get more serious. Even at the very start when they were singing happy birthday, they were singing it with such joy and glee, but then at the end only one person was singing happy birthday and they were singing it with a forced but quiet happy voice. Additionally near the end there is less talking then there was at the start, showing the loss of comfort and build up of fear.Also could represent how actions speak louder than words, and words most definitely not needed during the second half as the images were impactful enough.



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